Mark your family present for today's events
About Us

About Us
We would like to invite you to become a part of a loving family. TRBC has one overarching desire and that is to become, “People Pointing People to Jesus.” These five words comprise the mission statement of this church and point to a way of life we call the “3PJ Life,” which is a short way of saying we are “People Pointing People to Jesus.” Our goal is to be a continual work in progress as we seek to follow after the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Sunday School @ 9:45am and Worship Service @ 11am
Fellowship Opportunities

Make plans to join in!
Sunday School @ 9:45am
Worship @ 11am, in person and via FB Live
Sunday Evening Bible Studies @ 5pm
Choir rehearsal @ 5pm
Bible Study @ 6pm
Sunday School @ 9:45am
Worship @ 11am, in person and via FB Live
Sunday Evening Bible Studies @ 5pm
Choir rehearsal @ 5pm
Bible Study @ 6pm
Be Sociable with TRBC!

Visit TRBC's Facebook Page!
TRBC's Facebook page provides a one stop shop for all the latest news and happenings.
View our Wednesday night Bible Study and Sunday Worship Services online each week.
View our Wednesday night Bible Study and Sunday Worship Services online each week.

We have a group of people who enjoy leading in worship each Sunday under the direction of a very gifted and committed leader named Steve Smith. If you enjoy music and worshiping the Lord there is always room for one more.
The choir’s music reflects various time periods and genres and is anchored in Biblical passages and Christian themes.
Our choir meets on Wednesday nights at 5pm for rehearsal. Contact the church office – (985) 690-6077.
The choir’s music reflects various time periods and genres and is anchored in Biblical passages and Christian themes.
Our choir meets on Wednesday nights at 5pm for rehearsal. Contact the church office – (985) 690-6077.
Wednesday evening @ 5pm practice

J.O.Y Seekers Women's Sunday School Class
We would love to have you join our J.O.Y. Seekers Women’s Sunday school class. We believe Jesus first, Others second and Yourself last is the way to have true joy! We study God’s word while enjoying fellowship with each other each Sunday during the Sunday school hour before service. We welcome all ladies of every age to join us! For more information, please call the church office at 985-690-6077.

The Good News Club
Child Evangelism Fellowship’s “Good News Club” – This will be our very first year to sponsor an after school “Good News Club” at one of our local elementary schools. The purpose of the “Good News Club” is to introduce children to the loving kindness of Jesus Christ and His desire for them to come to know Him as their Savior.
TRBC @ Mayfield Elementary School in Lacombe

Courtside Ministries
This is a very unique ministry that we engage in every Thursday morning at the St. Tammany Parish Courthouse in Covington, La.
We man a prayer station at the courthouse where we offer to pray for those headed into the court.
We partner with Our Daily Bread ministry to give out tracts and devotionals. The International Bible League provides Bibles for us to hand out to anyone who desires a Bible.
We man a prayer station at the courthouse where we offer to pray for those headed into the court.
We partner with Our Daily Bread ministry to give out tracts and devotionals. The International Bible League provides Bibles for us to hand out to anyone who desires a Bible.
Thursday Mornings - 8am-noon

Troop 321 - "The Water Dragons"
We are very proud to sponsor a very active troop here at TRBC.
They are actively engaged in the community around them and since 2010 have graduated 7 young men to the rank of Eagle Scout. There are still several boys who will attain that ranking within the near future.
If your son (or daughter) is between the ages of 11-18 or has completed 5th grade or earned Arrow of Light in the Cub Scouts, and is interested in joining an active Scouts BSA Troop - contact Scoutmaster Ken Tillman at 504-430-6721 for i
They are actively engaged in the community around them and since 2010 have graduated 7 young men to the rank of Eagle Scout. There are still several boys who will attain that ranking within the near future.
If your son (or daughter) is between the ages of 11-18 or has completed 5th grade or earned Arrow of Light in the Cub Scouts, and is interested in joining an active Scouts BSA Troop - contact Scoutmaster Ken Tillman at 504-430-6721 for i
Troop meetings every Monday @ 7pm
Community Outreach - Vacation Bible School

Each year during the early summer our whole church turns out for Vacation Bible School! We enjoy so much pouring out the love of Christ on the children from our local community.
We offer a week each summer of intense Bible study, craft, and fun and games for children ages exiting kindergarten through sixth grade. Vacation Bible School is 6pm-8:15pm Sunday through Friday.
To register or for more information contact the office – 985-690-6077.
We offer a week each summer of intense Bible study, craft, and fun and games for children ages exiting kindergarten through sixth grade. Vacation Bible School is 6pm-8:15pm Sunday through Friday.
To register or for more information contact the office – 985-690-6077.
Community Outreach

Trunk R Treat
Each year we host trunk or treat for the surrounding community. This is a wonderful time of outreach and we are proud to provide a safe place for parents to bring their children.
Always a fun time as families bring out their creativity in decorating their trunks and treat the kids to some really great memories!
Always a fun time as families bring out their creativity in decorating their trunks and treat the kids to some really great memories!
International Outreach

Operation Christmas Child
For over 15 years we have served as a drop off location here on the northshore of Lake Ponchartrain.
The TRBC family works together to prepare 100+ shoeboxes every year as a donation to kids around the world.
Each year we take a mission trip to Dallas, TX. to work in the processing center for Operation Christmas Child.
The TRBC family works together to prepare 100+ shoeboxes every year as a donation to kids around the world.
Each year we take a mission trip to Dallas, TX. to work in the processing center for Operation Christmas Child.
Partnering with Dave & Grace Zieglar
IntOut Ministries
This is a ministry in Uganda which was begun by David & Grace Ziegler.
They serve as missionaries in Uganda and have founded a pastor’s Bible institute called, “Harvestime Bible Institute Namayingo.” There pastors are able to receive a seminary education and be equipped for the ministry.
We are privileged to partner with David and Grace to help support their ministry there in Uganda.
They serve as missionaries in Uganda and have founded a pastor’s Bible institute called, “Harvestime Bible Institute Namayingo.” There pastors are able to receive a seminary education and be equipped for the ministry.
We are privileged to partner with David and Grace to help support their ministry there in Uganda.
Connection Card
Tell us about your prayer requests or any decisions you have made today.
Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now I'm found was blind but now I see.